Summer Nature Camps 2011 Schedule
Summer Nature Camps begin at Steele Creek Park the week of June 6th. For kids aged 10 to 13 camp themes include: animal tracking and orienteering, geology and paleontology, and nature photography. For those aged 7 to 9 the three sessions will focus on: freshwater nature, nature discovery, and nature photography.
All camps are limited to 15 participants. The registration fee is $55.00 ($50.00 if paid before May 31st) which includes a t-shirt and all materials for the camp. Camp scholarships are available for those in need of assistance. Camps begin at 8:30 am and last until 12:00 noon. For more information please contact the Nature Center at 423-989-5616 or the Department of Parks and Recreation at 423-764-4023.
Schedule of Steele Creek Park Summer Nature Camps 2011
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