Annual Meeting: "Porch Light Insects" and new Board members!

Those attending Monday evening’s annual membership meeting were treated to a fascinating presentation by Nature Center naturalist Larry McDaniel.  For the past couple of years Larry has been photographing and identifying moths and other insects attracted to his back porch light.  In that relatively short period of time, he’s identified over 350 different species of moths!  And for those who think that moths are rather dull and drab creatures, all you have to do is watch Larry’s slide show.  He’s captured an amazing variety of shapes, sizes and colors – many with intricate bodies and wings, brilliant colors, and comical appearances. 

A few of the photos from Larry’s presentation. 







  Click here to see more of Larry’s collection of moth photos online.


As part of the annual business meeting, six individuals were elected to serve three year terms on the Board of Directors starting in July.  Wallace Coffey, Sonie Schermer, and Sherry Willinger, whose current terms expire at the end of June, were each elected to an additional term.  In addition, Isabelle Ladd was elected to return after being off the Board for the past year.  Butch Grills and Janice Martin were both elected as brand new Board members.  Congratulations to all those who were elected, and welcome to those who will be joining our Board in July.


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